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SunBlossom Entertainment believes the power of the video image connects your business to the world in revolutionary ways.
The growing role of the Internet as a primary media consumption tool is compelling companies to integrate and embrace video content as the focal point of their multi-platform marketing campaign due to the exponential growth video generates for business.
Effective video marketing, when utilized cohesively throughout a company’s website, social media platforms, and online advertisement, helps your business stand out to the growing demographic of Internet users who are engaging primarily with web and mobile platforms.
We are all about the messaging power inherent in the visual images. How you package anything you sell, and the story you choose to tell through color, texture and shape, convey the clarity of your message. These impact on a subconcious level how we will feel about the product and how the audience ultimately connects.
So contact us to learn how you can join the web video revolution, to quickly and easily grow your client base and create more profits with the knowledgable support of the SunBlossom Entertainment Team today !
The 7 top Q & As
How much does this business investment cost?
When you work with us your commitment to your business achieving its goals through video begins with an over four-figure investment. At SBE we work with businesses that understand the importance of connecting with clients using high quality visuals that bring your customers message clarity through engaging video content. We look forward to bringing your business message and services to the people who need you the most through a captivating SBE video!
Do you offer a consultation about the kind of video I should create?
After you have placed a deposit on your SBE video package selection, our team sits down with you to discuss all of the variables around your new business goals. Together we determine what type of video will work best for your business brand. First, your unique needs are clarified and then we outline a video production plan, plus we build a production schedule. We know you want results that you can see and we want to get you there. So the SBE team builds a clearly structured plan that will help you achieve your most valued goals.
What's my investment of time in making a video and how does it work?
The investment of time varies depending on which video package you select. If you want the "Basic Business - 30 second" video it is approximately four hours which includes; brand/marketing message clarity, script creation, the green screen shoot experience, gathering your logos plus some of your photos for us, and then the final edit approvals. Obviously the time involvement changes if we do a custom video for your business and we need to be on location to capture all of the excitement in your daily operations. The scope of the project always determines the amount of time involved.
I have some script ideas will you help me with what to say?
We love when you have great ideas! We say, "Bring it on"! Our SBE team helps strengthen the core message of your idea when creating your script so that it fully comes to life on video. Our knowledge in the most up to date marketing strategies is also always put into play. We match the message with what we determine together is the best way to accomplish your business goals.
I've never been on camera before and I'm a little shy, what do I do?
When you create a video with us we walk you through all the hard stuff, supporting you all the way from performance to messaging and we remove any worry surrounding the technical aspects too - we make creating and partnering with us a simple, easy, fun experience. Ready to have some fun?
How long does it take to get my final video?
Depending on the size and scope of your project when we create your schedule we will be able to give you a clearer time line for the completion of your package. Generally speaking, if you choose a "Basic Business - 30 second" green screen web video you will preview your video within two weeks. Then after the finishing touches have been added it's all yours. So usually, about a few weeks for our simplest package, depending on when SBE receives the needed logos and photographic images from your team. For larger projects the time frame expands accordingly.
Once I receive my video what do I do with it?
Wow! There are so many amazing things to do with your new web video, like#1 figuring out where to strategically place it in your website. And guess what, our team is here to help with that too. Did you know that there are certain spots in your site that create higher web trafficing stats and even more effective data collection? Plus, let's not forget all of the social media outlets to consider. So, please know that we are here with all sorts of effective, creative marketing solutions to help your business grow today!
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